Thursday 13 March 2008

Thirteen Things About the Number Thirteen!

I was caught unawares, this week - which means I actually got some writing done! Woo-hoo!

So, here's my utterly random Thursday Thirteen:

Thirteen Things About the Number Thirteen!

1) According to Christian belief, there were 13 people at the last supper.

2) It was at one time associated with the Epiphany: it is said that Jesus received the Magi on the thirteenth day of his life.

3) Jewish boys celebrate their Bar Mitzvah on their 13th birthday.

4) Friday the Thirteenth is thought to be an especially unlucky day, particularly in English-speaking cultures.

5) The unlucky thirteenth day of the month in Greek and Spanish cultures is Tuesday, not Friday.

6) Thirteen is not unlucky in Italy - in fact, it is a lucky number. (Seventeen is the unlucky number, here.)

7) The natural lunar cycle of a year has thirteen months instead of twelve.

8) The Code of Hammurabai has no 13th law.

9) April 13th is the Sikh New Year.

10) There are 13 loaves in a "baker's dozen".

11) On the thirteenth day of the Persian new year, it is considered unlucky to stay at home.

12) Many airplanes do not have a 13th row, and many buildings do not have a 13th floor. The numbers skip directly to 14.

13) And, finally, there are 13 players on a rugby team. Aren't we glad for that?

Yes. Yes we are.


Jennifer Shirk said...

5 and 6 were interesting tidbits.

(And that sneaky picture made me laugh out loud) LOL!

Jennifer McKenzie said...

I had something really intelligent to say, but now I'm picking my mouth up off the carpet and wiping drool from my face.
That PICTURE!!!!

Tempest Knight said...

*LOL* Great facts! I especially the last one...that pic... oh, la la la! *winks*

Debbie Mumford said...

Great trivia list...but that picture was the best! You are a sneaky woman...

Ms Menozzi said...

That's me - sneaky, sneaky!


Unknown said...

Hey, where's the rest of the team.

Good list. In my effort to be perverse and different, Friday 13th is my lucky day. I lived on the 13th floor of a high rise. I wear Opals even though that is bad luck unless you are born in October. I embrace all things that are considered bad luck. And it usually works.

Anonymous said...

Whoah! I almost missed the eye candy. What is Hammurabai?

Unknown said...

Thanks for the eye candy. Fun list. Happy T13!

Ms Menozzi said...

Hammurabi was the sixth king of Babylon, who created one of the first written codes of law in recorded history - the Code of Hammurabi. This code of law is also one of the first places where the presumption of innocence for an alleged offender was deemed fair and correct, and that evidence was necessary to provide proof of innocence or guilt.

Anonymous said...

very cool list - but the sneaky picture was the best part :) Thanks for making me smile today!

Paige Tyler said...

Cool list! And nice pic!


My TT is at

R.G. ALEXANDER said...

Great List. And that pic almost gave me a heart attack. In a good way. lol

chanpheng said...

Fun list! 13 April is also the start of Lao New Year!

Kaige said...

Nice list of facts about 13. Very cool. So, does that calendar have 12 or 13 months on it? Shame to leave one guy out or only on the cover *grin*

Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Hi, cool list!! I'm not that supersticious, so I don't consider 13 to be unlucky. I did a TT list too, it's here:

Heather said...

Our building has no apartment 13. Also, my sister's 13th birthday was on a Friday the 13th. Loved reading your list of facts!

Shelley Munro said...

Ah, isn't there 15 players in a rugby team? Great pic :)

Ms Menozzi said...


Don't blow it for me!)

Alas, I was misinformed... The rules I read regarded "Rugby League" as opposed to "Rugby Union".

And I was willing to take any excuse to post that pic.

Tawny Taylor said...

I'm stuck on that last one...

Tara S Nichols said...

Yeah, #6, wasn't it a goddess holiday or something like that. Darn whatstheirnames mucking about with history.

Gwen Mitchell said...

Cool list! I've always thought that thirteen was lucky. I must have some Italian in me! *winkwink*

Nicholas said...

I have often wondered if the evil spirits are actually fooled when the thirteenth floor of a building is named the fourteenth!